Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

H3H3 Productions and LeafyisHere: YouTube's Newest Feud

YouTube is a very toxic battlefield, where internet personalities sling insults at each other to try and get the most views. Right now, two of YouTube’s biggest reaction channels, H3H3 Productions and Leafyishere are going at it like crazed wolverines.
It all started earlier in the week when Leafyishere made a video– that has since been taken down – about a YouTuber called TommyNC2010 , who is an autistic vlogger. On March 19, Tommy posted a video of him crying and upset about the death threats Leafy’s fans were sending him. In it, he’s incredibly distraught and says he will never post a video again. This video reached the front page of Reddit, calling out Leafy for making an autistic man cry. Tommy has already posted multiple videos since this one, where it looks like he’s feeling much better.
The situation continued to heat up after that.  H3H3 Productions posted a video called “ The Leafy Rant ” where he calls out Leafy’s videos, saying that all he does is “make fun of children.” The video has over 2.6 million views since being posted on March 20. On March 21, Leafyishere posted an apology video , saying he was sorry for all that happened and will take better care to curate his content better.
Later that day, Pyrocynical, another popular YouTuber, posted a video backing Leafy. Pyro called H3H3 Productions’ Ethan a “liar” and posted screenshots of private conversations between Ethan and Leafy. At this point, things had gotten messy enough, with every side slinging as much monkey poop at each other as possible. H3H3 Productions posted arebuttal on their own subreddit, defending everything said in the initial video.
You’d think at this point these grown men would’ve stopped fighting, but then you wouldn’t know the internet. On March 23, Leafyishere posted a video called “The H3H3 Productions Rant” where he goes off on Ethan calling him “two-faced” and claiming that he is not the sincere person he appears to be in his H3H3 videos. This morning, in what will hopefully be the last piece of shit flung, H3H3 productions posted another rebuttal on their subreddit . H3H3 apologized for what was said in his private conversation with Leafy, then posted more screenshots from their private conversation. At this point, this clown fiesta has grown to massive proportions.
All three of these channels are gigantic, ranging from 800,000 to over a million subscribers. Their fans are fanatical, jumping on the bandwagon to defend their favorite content creators tooth and nail in the comments or on reddit. The only person that really wins is Keemstar, whose Dramaalert channel has exploded in popularity because of fights like these with YouTube celebrities like Nicole Arbour . YouTube was once a place for people to have a voice, since there were few other options, now it's just a shooting ground for views.
